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Application of iron and steel products in transportation

Application of iron and steel products in transportation

For ships and containers

Traditionally, the shipbuilding industry has used structural steel plates to manufacture ship hulls. The tensile strength of modern steel plates is much higher than its predecessors, making them more suitable for the efficient construction of large container ships. A special type of steel plate with a corrosion-resistant design is ideal for building oil tankers. This steel allows the manufacture of lighter-than-previous containers or larger-capacity containers of the same weight, offering significant opportunities to save fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Ships built using steel transport 90% of the world’s cargo. There are an estimated 17 million containers of different types in the global container fleet, most of which are made of steel.

For trains and railcars

Steel is used in trains, railways, and infrastructure. For short- and medium-distance travel, rail reduces travel time and CO2 emissions per passenger per kilometer compared to almost all other modes of transport.
Steel accounts for 15% of the mass of high-speed trains and is essential. The main steel component of these trains is the bogie (the structure below the train that includes the wheels, axles, bearings, and motors). Freight trains or wagons are made almost entirely of steel.

For aircraft

The engines and landing gear used in aircraft are made of steel.

For infrastructure

Steel is used in bridges, tunnels, railways, and in the construction of buildings such as gas stations, railway stations, ports, and airports. About 60% of the steel used in infrastructure is rebar.

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